Customizing the confirmation page

By default, SavvyCal redirects to a standard confirmation page after someone schedules a time:

If you'd prefer to display a custom confirmation page, you can configure your scheduling link to redirect to a custom URL. This is useful if you'd like to track an analytics goal when someone schedules a time.

On the link editor, click Booking Page Options section in the left sidebar and enable the "Redirect to a custom URL" option:

If the Append event information to the query string option is checked, we will append the following query string parameters to the redirect URL:

Property Description
link The link identifier (e.g. john/chat ).
email The scheduler's email address.
display_name The scheduler's full name.
start_at The ISO-8601-encoded start date/time for the event.
end_at The ISO-8601-encoded end date/time for the event.
event_url The URL for the event page.

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