Embedding links on your website

Embedding scheduling links is an easy way to let people book time with you without navigating away from your website. This guide will teach you how to install our embed script and the various ways to trigger scheduling links to appear.

Installing the embed script

Copy and paste the following JavaScript code just before the closing </body> tag:

<script async src="https://embed.savvycal.com/v1/embed.js"></script>

We support 4 different modes for your SavvyCal embed:

  1. Display pop-up via hyperlink
  2. Display a floating pop-up button
  3. Open a pop-up via JavaScript
  4. Render an inline booking interface

Read on for details about how to do it!

To open a scheduling link when someone clicks a hyperlink, add a data-savvycal-embed attribute to the link.

<a data-savvycal-embed href="https://savvycal.com/derrick/chat">Schedule time with me</a>

We'll display the link from the href in a lightbox.

If you'd like to prefill the user's email address or name, you can optionally set the data-email and data-display-name attributes respectively:

<a data-savvycal-embed data-email="derrick@savvycal.com" data-display-name="Derrick Reimer" href="https://savvycal.com/derrick/chat">Schedule time with me</a>

Here are all the data attributes you can use:

Attribute Description
data-email The email address to prefill.
data-display-name The full name of the scheduler to prefill.
data-phone The scheduler's phone number to prefill. The number should be provided as a numeric string, beginning with the country code (without parentheses, spaces, or dashes). For example, to prefill with the number (800) 555-0100, set the value 18005550100 .
data-view The default view to use (either week or month ).
data-theme The theme to use; either light , dark , or os (to match the viewer's operating system preferences).
data-hide-avatar Whether the avatar should be hidden on sidebar (hidden if true , otherwise not hidden).
data-hide-banner Whether the banner should be hidden on sidebar (hidden if true , otherwise not hidden).

2. Display a floating pop-up button

To render a widget at the bottom of your site, enable it when initializing the script by setting enabled to true and populating the link attribute.

  SavvyCal('init', {
    widget: {
      enabled: true,
      link: 'derrick/chat'

This will inject a floating button at the bottom your site:

The widget configuration accepts the following properties:

Property Default Value Description
enabled false Determines whether the widget is visible.
link The ID for a specific link (e.g. derrick/chat ) or index page (e.g. derrick ). Required.
email The scheduler's email address to prefill. Optional.
displayName The scheduler's first and last name to prefill. Optional.
phone The scheduler's phone number to prefill. The number should be provided as a numeric string, beginning with the country code (without parentheses, spaces, or dashes). For example, to prefill with the number (800) 555-0100, set the value 18005550100 .
icon "calendar" The icon to display on the button (either calendar or none ).
prompt "Schedule a time" The button text. To omit the text, set this to false or an empty string ("" ).
backgroundColor "#FFCA00" The background color for the button.
textColor "#141E2F" The text color for the button.
delay 1000 The number of milliseconds to wait before the widget appears.
position "bottom-right" The position for the floating button (either "bottom-right" or "bottom-left").
metadata {} A object containing custom metadata you'd like to attach to events (e.g. {"user_id": 123} ). Optional.
questions {} A object containing custom question data to prefill. Keys should be the index of the question, starting at 0 for the first question, 1 for the second question, and so on. (e.g. if the first custom question was "Your Company Name", you would prefill that using the following data:{0: "Acme, Inc"} ). Optional.
theme "light" The theme to use; either light , dark , or os (to match the viewer's operating system preferences). Optional.
view The default view; either week or month (defaults to the pre-configured default view for the link). Optional.
zIndex 10000 The base z-index value to use for the widget popover. You shouldn't generally need to change this, unless your site uses extremely high z-indexes elsewhere. Optional.
hideAvatar false Whether the avatar should be hidden on sidebar. Optional.
hideBanner false Whether the banner should be hidden on sidebar. Optional.

You can also update your widget configuration after the initial init call like this:

  // For example, this will disable the widget
  SavvyCal('widget', {
    enabled: false

  // This will enable the widget and update the prompt
  SavvyCal('widget', {
    enabled: true,
    prompt: 'Book with me'

3. Open a pop-up via JavaScript

You may use the open call to open the embed any time after calling init :

<script async src="https://embed.savvycal.com/v1/embed.js"></script>
  SavvyCal('open', { link: 'derrick/chat' });

The open command accepts the following options:

Property Default Value Description
link The ID for a specific link (e.g. derrick/chat ) or index page (e.g. derrick ). Required.
email The scheduler's email address to prefill. Optional.
displayName The scheduler's first and last name to prefill. Optional.
phone The scheduler's phone number to prefill. The number should be provided as a numeric string, beginning with the country code (without parentheses, spaces, or dashes). For example, to prefill with the number (800) 555-0100, set the value 18005550100 .
metadata {} A object containing custom metadata you'd like to attach to events (e.g. {"user_id": 123} ). Optional.
questions {} A object containing custom question data to prefill. Keys should be the index of the question, starting at 0 for the first question, 1 for the second question, and so on. (e.g. if the first custom question was "Your Company Name", you would prefill that using the following data:{0: "Acme, Inc"} ). Optional.
theme "light" The theme to use; either light , dark , or os (to match the viewer's operating system preferences). Optional.
view The default view; either week or month (defaults to the pre-configured default view for the link). Optional.
hideAvatar false Whether the avatar should be hidden on sidebar. Optional.
hideBanner false Whether the banner should be hidden on sidebar. Optional.

4. Render an inline booking interface

This option allows you to place the SavvyCal scheduling interface directly inline with your other website content.

To render your link inline, make an inline call after you call init :

<div id="booking-page">
  <!-- this is where we will inject the interface -->

<script async src="https://embed.savvycal.com/v1/embed.js"></script>
  SavvyCal('inline', { link: 'derrick/chat', selector: '#booking-page' });

The inline command accepts the following options:

Property Default Value Description
link The ID for a specific link (e.g. derrick/chat ) or index page (e.g. derrick ). Required.
selector The DOM selector for node where we should render the interface (e.g. #booking-page ). Required.
email The scheduler's email address to prefill. Optional.
displayName The scheduler's first and last name to prefill. Optional.
phone The scheduler's phone number to prefill. The number should be provided as a numeric string, beginning with the country code (without parentheses, spaces, or dashes). For example, to prefill with the number (800) 555-0100, set the value 18005550100 .
metadata {} A object containing custom metadata you'd like to attach to events (e.g. {"user_id": 123} ). Optional.
questions {} A object containing custom question data to prefill. Keys should be the index of the question, starting at 0 for the first question, 1 for the second question, and so on. (e.g. if the first custom question was "Your Company Name", you would prefill that using the following data:{0: "Acme, Inc"} ). Optional.
theme "light" The theme to use; either light , dark , or os (to match the viewer's operating system preferences). Optional.
view The default view; either week or month (defaults to the pre-configured default view for the link). Optional.
hideAvatar false Whether the avatar should be hidden on sidebar. Optional.
hideBanner false Whether the banner should be hidden on sidebar. Optional.

Listening for events

When someone schedules a time on an embedded booking, we dispatch an event on the window. You may listen for this event and perform actions (such as tracking the event in analytics or sending the data over to another provider):

  window.addEventListener("savvycal.scheduled", (ev) => {
    // The `detail` property contains the following data about the newly-scheduled event:
    //   id - the event ID
    //   link - the link slug (e.g. "derrick/chat")
    //   startAt - the start time of the event
    //   endAt - the end time of the event
    //   email - the scheduler's email address
    //   displayName - the scheduler's display name
    //   fields - custom question data
    //   phoneNumber - the scheduler's phone number (if collected)
    //   timeZone - the scheduler's time zone (e.g. "America/Chicago")
    //   guests - additional guests invited to the event
    //   url - the event URL
    const { id, link } = ev.detail;

    // Do something with the data, like record an analytics event...

Using Custom Domains

If you have a custom domain, you should specify your custom domain in the embed code. This can be done simply by adding an origin property to the init call:

// Configuring a custom domain of "https://meet.yourdomain.com"
SavvyCal('init', { origin: 'meet.yourdomain.com' });

// The other calls stay the same
SavvyCal('inline', { link: 'derrick/chat', selector: '#booking-page' }); 

This also works with defining widgets at the same time, just be sure to put the origin property outside of the widget configuration:

SavvyCal('init', {
  origin: 'meet.yourdomain.com',
  widget: {
    enabled: true,
    link: 'derrick/chat'

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