Introduction to Workflows

Workflows allow you to automate messaging through the meeting lifecycle. For example, you can use workflows to send one (or more) reminder emails ahead of a meeting and send a custom follow-up email with more instructions after someone schedules with you.

The meeting lifecycle

You can trigger messaging at various points throughout the meeting lifecycle:

  • After the event is scheduled
  • Before the event starts
  • After the event starts
  • Before the event ends
  • After the event ends

Creating a workflow

To get started, browse to the Workflows tab in the left sidebar.

You can either start from scratch or choose one of our templates. You can customize the workflow after choosing a template (for example, adjusting the contents and timing of a reminder email).

Workflows can belong to one person or team at a time. Once you've chosen where the workflow should belong, select one or more links that you'd like your new workflow to apply to. You can optionally choose to have the workflow automatically attach to new links created (under the person or team who owns the workflow).

Adding actions to a workflow

You may add one or more actions to the meeting lifecycle in a single workflow. For example, you may want to send a "thank you" email shortly after an event is scheduled with more information, a reminder email one hour before the event starts, and a follow-up email after the event ends. You can bundle all these actions together into one workflow!

To add an action, either click the Add an action... button at the top of the timeline, or click in one of the regions on the timeline.

Then, choose the action you'd like to perform and the timing. We have some pre-built templates for reminders, follow-up emails, etc. that you may use as a starting point. Or, you can start from scratch.

The subject and body of emails may contain Liquid template tags. To see a reference of the variables available to insert, click the { } Variable dropdown. Learn more about templating

To update the timing, click the pencil button next to the time description.

Activating workflows

Once you are ready, activate your workflow by clicking the toggle switch at the top.

To attach (or detach) a workflow, you can either return to the workflow settings and toggle the desired links in the sidebar, or you can access the Workflows settings on individual links under the Automation section.

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