Round robin scheduling links

Round robin scheduling links allow you to present the combined availability for a group of people and randomly choose one organizer who is available. This is great for tasks like booking sales calls or product demos, where you have a pool of people across whom you'd like to distribute meetings.

Creating a round robin link

To get started, create a scheduling link from your Scheduling Links page:

Next, click the Link Type section and change the Mode to Round Robin.

You can choose to optimize for availability or for evenness, depending on your desired behavior:

Adding organizers to the round robin pool

To add organizers to the pool, click on the Attendees block to add one or more teammates. (If you don't have any teammates yet, here's how to get started with teams.)

Bookings will be divided between the attendees according to the mode you selected.

  • If you chose optimize for evenness, we'll cycle evenly through the round robin pool.
  • If you chose optimize for availability, we'll show the combined availability of all the organizers in the pool and pick the next eligible organizer who is available at the chosen time slot.

Configuring availability, calendar, and location options

You'll want to be sure each organizer in the round robin pool has the desired availability, calendar, and location settings. To manage these settings, click on the attendee. Under the Availability tab, you can customize the time slots presented for this organizer.

Under the Location tab, you can configure the location to use when this person is selected as the organizer.

Under the Calendar tab, you can configure which calendar we should create calendar invites on when this person is selected as the organizer.

Excluding attendees from the round robin pool

By default, we add attendees to the round robin organizer pool. If you want to always include them on the invite (rather than having them be part of the round robin pool), you can click on the attendee and exclude them from the round robin pool.

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