Introduction to SavvyCal

SavvyCal is a scheduling tool that helps you find optimal times to meet with others. Whether you've never used a scheduling tool before or you've used other tools, and the process felt awkward, you're in the right place. We've specifically designed SavvyCal to be a delightful, collaborative experience for all parties involved! ✨

Setting up your account

When you sign up for SavvyCal, we'll walk you through a simple wizard to get your account ready to use:

  • Choose a URL where your scheduling links will live (for example,
  • Connect your calendars to automatically block out busy times and create new events. We integrate with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook (Office 365).
  • Connect your video conferencing app. We integrate natively with Zoom, Whereby, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.

Once the wizard is complete, we'll create your first scheduling link and take you to your dashboard.

Multi-use links allow multiple uses, whereas Single-use links are archived after one use (here's more info). When someone explicitly adds you as an attendee to an event/meeting (see Collective Scheduling links), it becomes a Guest link. You can find all the links you're added to on the Guest tab.

How scheduling links work

Scheduling links allow you to share your availability with others to find an optimal time to meet. This is what the link editor looks like:

On the left-hand side, you'll see a variety of different configuration options:

  • Title and description to display on the scheduling link.
  • Multi-use or single-use: whether this link is only usable once, or on an ongoing basis.
  • Duration: how long meetings booked with this link should last.
  • Availability: what ranges of time should be made available to schedulers.
  • Location where the meeting will take place. If you use Zoom, for example, we'll automatically create a unique meeting room for every new event.
  • Prefill recipient info (optional): personalize the link with the recipient's name and/or email address.
  • Attendees: a place to add teammates to your link (learn more about teams).
  • Settings: a variety of more advanced customization options.

On the right-hand side, you'll see a preview of your own calendar events and the ranges of time when you are available. Unavailable times will be grayed out. Notice that we automatically block off anywhere you already have a "Busy" event on your calendar. ( Learn more about how to override availability on specific days).

Click "Preview" to see what your public booking page will look like:

The recipient will be able to click anywhere that is not grayed out to select a time:

The recipient also has the ability to overlay their calendar if they want to preview their calendar events directly on your link! This experience is designed to feel very similar to using a calendar app. When the recipient clicks Schedule, we'll automatically create an event on your calendar and email the details to all the attendees. ⚡️

When you're ready to start sending your link to people, enable it by clicking the toggle switch at the top of the editor:

(You'll need to start your free trial in order to enable scheduling links.)

Links are designed to be lightweight -- feel free to create as many as you need for your different types of meetings.

Customizing your availability

By default, we set up new accounts with one (default) availability preset called Work Hours. You can find this under the Availability tab:

Click on the preset to adjust your settings:

On the left-hand side, you'll find a few ways to define availability:

  • Recurring ranges represent ranges of time you are available on a weekly basis.
  • Time blocks allow you to mark yourself as available when you have a calendar event with a particular name (for example, an event called Meeting Times). (Learn more about time blocks)

You can add more than one recurring range to implement complex rules:

Availability presets help you stay organized and reduce the amount of configuration work you have to do every time you create a new link:

A view of the Availability dropdown on the link editor with multiple preset options.

Congrats, you're ready to start scheduling!

Your scheduling workflow is about to get a whole lot easier 💪. This is just scratching the surface of what SavvyCal can do. Here are some more resources to learn how to leverage the product to the fullest:

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